Endodontics-Root Canal Treatment
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Endodontics-Root Canal Treatment

Endodontics is the dental specialty concerned with the study and treatment of the dental pulp. Endodontic treatment is one of the most common procedures. If the dental pulp becomes diseased or injured, endodontic treatment is required to save the tooth.

Root canal therapy is not only performed when pain relief from an infected or inflamed pulp is required. It is also done to prevent adverse signs and symptoms from the surrounding sequelae and promote the healing and repair of the surrounding tissues. An example of which is if there is trauma to a front tooth which has caused it to be avulsed from the bony socket; endodontic treatment is required following re-implantation to preserve the aesthetics and function of the tooth, even though there may be no adverse symptoms of the dental pulp, or pain present at the time.

Our Endodontist performs root canal using rubber dam isolation with microscopic advancement.


Root Canal Treatment or RCT eliminates pain caused by an infected tooth pulp with a simple, straight-forward procedure to:

1. Stop infection from spreading
2. Reduce tooth sensitivity
3. Prepare a beautiful new tooth with top functioning

Root canal therapy is done in three steps, and it takes between one and three sessions to complete.

1. Cleaning the root canal

Our endodontist achieves a proper access to the inside of the tooth and removes everything that is inside the root canal. This procedure is performed under local anaesthesia.

2. Filling the root canal

Endodontist cleans, shapes and decontaminates the opened area, using files and irrigation solutions. Then, the tooth is filled with a material, and the canals are sealed completely. We assure that our patient receives 100% painless treatment.

3. Adding a crown or filling

However, the tooth will be now more fragile than it was before. A tooth with no pulp must receive its nourishment from the ligament that attaches the tooth to the bone. This supply is adequate, but in time, the tooth will become more brittle, so a crown or filling offers protection.
Until the crown or filling is complete, the patient should not chew or bite on the tooth. Once there is a crown or filling is done, the person can use the tooth as before.
Treatment often takes only one appointment, but if there are curved canals, multi-canals, or large infections, this could take one or two additional appointments.

How painful is it?

One of the great fears about this kind of treatment is that it will be painful, but the treatment that is carried out by our expert doctors are relatively painless. The pain that is felt comes from the infection and not from the treatment. The treatment does not cause pain; it helps to alleviate it. Endodontist will relieve the pain of the procedure by numbing the tooth and surrounding area with local anesthesia. After the treatment, some tenderness is normal. It is temporary, and over-the-counter (OTC) pain medication may be enough to relieve it. Root canal therapy will usually save the tooth and eliminate the pain.